Sunshine Blogger Award

sunshineHi guys! We got nominated a few weeks ago for the Sunshine Blogger Award, our second award, by two bloggers, Mandy from Book Princess Reviews and Jannin from The Booknerd Dragon! Thank you so much, Mandy and Jannin, for your nominations, and if you have the chance, go check her blog out! Cayli and I were so excited to answer these questions, and we hope that you’ll enjoy them!


1. Thank the person who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog.

2. Answer the 11 questions sent by the person who nominated you.

3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write then 11 new questions.

4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.


Mandy’s Questions (Answered by Kester)

1.  Favorite Disney character – look at me, I’m not even limiting it to a Princess! Can we call this progress?

I would say Joy from Inside Out or Olaf from Frozen. They’re always so positive, and I would be them if I were a character in their movies.

2. What can always make you laugh?

Pretty much anything funny can make me laugh. Sometimes I’ll just burst out laughing in class and I’ll be the only one laughing.

3. What is your favorite quote?

I live by many quotes, but for now, this is the one that sticks out a lot in my mind:

“Isn’t it funny how day by day nothing changes but when you look back everything is different…” – C. S. Lewis

I always think that I’m not improving as a person each and every day, but this quote reminds me that we might not see our changes each day, but in the future, we’ll see the big changes. I want to be a better person, one who’s more selfless and charitable to others in my family, in school, in my church, and everywhere I go. Sometimes it does not seem that I’m improving, but I know that I’m becoming better little by little. Like they say, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” We might not see our improvements now, but we will definitely see them later.

4. If you could have any animal in the world (or beyond) as a pet and you knew for sure that it wouldn’t eat you, what would it be?

I would have want to have one of those cute little puppies with big eyes, fluffy fur, and a little tongue that tickles you when he licks you. They’re super cute! I can’t resist cuteness!

It’s either that or a pig named Hamlet that I’ll dress up in a Shakespearean outfit. I’ll also place him next to a skull when taking pictures of him.

5. What book do you wish that everyone could read?

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys. People need to see the untold stories of World War II, and Ruta Sepetys does an amazing job of that. My eyes were truly opened by her book, and I think reading this book will certainly change the way people see about the world. 

6. Coffee, tea…neither?

I am a coffee drinker, except when I have a choral audition the next day or the day of. Then I’ll drink tea. But if I could drink at Starbucks I would jump at the chance.

7. What authors are insta-buys for you?

Ruta Sepetys. I really don’t have an “insta-author” since I don’t buy books frequently, but it’s usually just books that I really want to read.

8. How do you feel about classic books?

I like classics, but the language is what makes me not want to read them. It’s so hard to read the olden, flowery language of before, and it makes it harder to understand the text and easier for me to get confused or bored. Some of my favorite books are classics, but if I have to read it for school, it kind of feels forced upon. I’m reading Animal Farm by George Orwell right now for English, and although I love it, it feels like a chore at times because I have to read two or three chapters every few days, which makes it more like work and not pleasure.

9. What song is stuck in your head right this very minute?

“A Lovely Night” from La La Land. It is such an amazing song, and I love the ending with the strings! The entire La La Land soundtrack is “lovely!” I got to go buy it on my phone soon!

10. And last but not least, what do you think your favorite book of 2017 will be?

The United Continuums by Jennifer Brody. Nothing will top that book. It was so amazing!

Jannin’s Questions (Answered by Cayli)

1. What is your favorite color? Why? 😀

I honestly don’t have a consistent favorite color. It’s whatever matches at the time. My room is blue… blue curtains. Blue walls. White dressers and nightstands…. my doors are brown. I guess I have to say blue, brown, and white are my favorite three colors when put together. They create this elegant look that I adore. Very calm and clean. A color isn’t as grand until you set it next to another.

2. Would you rather be smart or beautiful?

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm I would would rather be smart. Being smart gets me into college. Getting into college gets me a good job. A good job gets me money. Money gets me a good haircut and a manicure. So in the end, being smart lets me beautify myself.

3. What is the most boring book you ever read? 

When it comes to fiction, I’ve never really read a boring book. I want to say nonfiction in general, but I have read good nonfiction books in my time. If I had to say one fiction book… I have to say Deep Blue by Jennifer Donnelly. ImsorryIdidntfullonhateitIpromise. I just didn’t like it in terms of what it could have been. Oh jeez, I honestly cannot tell you what I didn’t like specfically other than there was way too much dialogue (last time I read it was like two years ago) I would go further into it but I’ll just leave here for later. 

4. Name one famous author with bestselling books that is not just your cup of jam. 

Urrrrgggh I don’t know… lol I loved Divergent. I loved the Hunger Games (but not as much as I could love it but that’s another story). I love anything from Cassandra Clare. I love The 5th Wave. I guess I have to say The Giver… I read the first book, and it was awesome, don’t get me wrong, but I don’t know… I wasn’t quite into it all that much. I have the other three books on my shelf, and I feel bad because I still haven’t gotten to read them (out of choice). I know one day I have to, but I don’t see it coming up soon.

5. If you could change nationality/race, what would it be? Why? 

BRITAIN. I want a British accent. I want to go to England, and I want one of their cool accent. I watch British people on YouTube and they say “Zeb-ra” instead of “Zee-bra” and I find it so oddly amusing. WHY CAN’T I LIVE IN BRITIAN? 😥 

6. What language do you want to learn fluently? Choose only one. 

French. I don’t take the class yet, but I will. Beautiful language. People tell me I should take Spanish because I would encounter more of that language than I will French. I told my mom, “One day there will be that one person who speaks French and will need my help to translate. Then you’ll all be sorry!” I play around too much…

7. You are given a chance to become a book jumper (nope, I haven’t read that book yet),what’s the first book you’ll jump into?

I really should say Chronicles of Narnia. I really, really should, and I want to. So bad. But I also want to jump into the world of Percy Jackson. Where I could train at Camp Half-Blood and make the gods mad and almost die over and over again because I made wandered into some monster’s lair… get cursed… visit the Underworld…haha… what fun… okay, which warbrobe should I step through…

8. Give one to/or three frustrating things about being a reader/booknerd? 

Number one, movie adaptations. When the producers decide they can just do whatever they want to a book that I LOVE. How dare they? I understand a few twists and turns to fit tue audience. Like the Miss Peregrine’s movie? Loved it. The played around with th ending, yeah, but overall, it was a wonderful film. But then you got movies like Percy Jackson and Chronicles of Narnia and The Mortal Instruments and The 5th Wave…. why? Why must they tick me off this badly? Annabeth was a brunette in the first movie and then decided to cover up their little mistake by dying her hair for the second movie… only made it all even worse. #salty

Number two… when you need to rant to someone because someone just died or the characters are being idiots…. and no one understands, therefore no one cares. Here I am in my bed, crying my eyes out, talking to Kelsey about how so and so are being adorable and how they will most likely die in the end…. and she has no words. She sits there and nods her head. “There, there…” 

Number Three? When the characters do something embarrassing, and you just want to hide yourself. I wasn’t the one who got drunk and confessed my love to someone across the street. I wasn’t the one who decided going against orders and got yelled at in front of everyone. *I* wasn’t the one who said made herself look like a fool during arguement in front of everyone. I did none of these things, yet I can’t help but cringe. Their emotions hit me. I cannot pick up the book until I am ready to face the horror that is this the aftermath of this embarrassment. These characters will be the death of me. 

9. Do you play sport? What sport? 

I’m not really a sports person. Im not competitive. But I love Volleyball. I play it now with a small group of girls. Maybe one day I’ll play for the high school? Who knows…. Time will tell. 

10. Would you rather be the author? Or the character?  

Well, since a lot of authors love killing off their characters (looking at you, Roth), I think I’ll play it safe and be the author. I’ll do the killing. Don’t worry, though, I am not as heartless as some authors (Cassandra…)

11. Favorite movie of all time. 

Miss Peregrine’s, probably. I don’t rewatch movies unless there is some time in between them, but I love this film nonetheless. I watched it again a month after the first time with a friend of mine. Still laughed and cried at all the memories and the “Your lives were so easy back then…. sniff sniff… you sillies think your burned down house is the biggest problem…”


Our Nominees

Stephanie from Teacher of YA

Joana from Bookneeders

Rakel from MiRakelBooks

Rendz from Reading with Rendz

Rafael Ray from The Royal Polar Bear Reads

Jamie from Book Pandamonium

Payton from Payton’s Book Thoughts

Kim from By Hook Or By Book

Mikaela from the well-thumbed reader

Sophie from Blame Chocolate

Klara from Ribbon Reviews


My Questions for My Nominees

1. What is one book that made you cry?

2. If you could travel one place in the entire world and all your expenses were paid, where would you go?

3. Where is your favorite place to read? Like in front of fireplace, outside on the grass, on your bed in a blanket… what?

4. Which TV show would you choose to binge watch?

5. Would you rather meet your favorite author but you cannot say a single word, or would you have a signed copy of your favorite book made personally to you but every 10th page is missing?

6. What is your top reading strategy to maximize how many books you will read in a year?

7. What is the talent or achievement that you are most proud of?

8. What is your favorite movie adaptation of a book, and why?

9. If you were going to recommend me one book, which one would it be, and why?

10. Which fictional character would you go out on a date with, and do you think it would work out?

11. What kind of book swag (e.g. buttons, bookmarks, postcards, bookplates, wristbands, etc.) is your favorite?


I hope you guys will do this tag! If you were already nominated or tagged, I am not making you do this, but you are free to do these questions if you’d like! Thanks for all of your support! We have another award coming up- the Liebster Award- and we’ll be nominating another batch of wonderful bloggers! Thank you, and we hope that you may continue share our blog with your friends! It’s fun to meet more book lovers!


Til next time! ~ Kester




39 thoughts on “Sunshine Blogger Award

      1. Ah I can totally relate. My parents never wanted any pets and now that I don’t live in their house anymore, I’m too poor a student to really be able to afford and spare time for a dog. But maybe someday 💕

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Aw, thank you so much for nominating me; I’m so excited to answer these questions!

    And I agree with you on the classics things. Some of them have such great premises, but the writing is so outdated and boring that I can’t enjoy it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great answers. Between Shades Of Gray is an incredible book, it was one of my favorite reads of 2016. If you didn’t love The Giver I don’t think you will love the other books. I quit after the second because I didn’t like it that much.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Between Shades of Gray is my favorite read of 2016, and I’m currently reading Salt to the Sea right now (It’s really good by the way!)… I felt the same about the Giver series, too. I quit after Gathering Blue because I was getting bored with the series.


  3. Congratulations on your award! And thank you so much for the nomination 🙂 Even though I’ve already been nominated I’ll try to get this up soon.
    Having a little pig named Hamlet in Shakespearean costume is the best! And French is a beautiful language indeed (the language of love, enough said!). I think any language is worth learning – if for nothing else, for your personal enrichment alone. So don’t let people get to you and just do it 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you s much! And you’re so welcome! Hope you enjoy the questions! 😉
      I agree! I want a pig named Hamlet, like the tiny ones that are very cute, will tickle you, and won’t ruin your furniture.
      And French is indeed a beautiful language! I wish I could learn it, but I’m focusing on Spanish in senior year since it will help me re-learn Filipino, my home language. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I definitely agree about classics. It’s so hard to sometimes read the older language, and I hate not knowing what they’re talking about a good deal of the time. XD I totally laughed at your pig pet. It sounded hilarious with taking pictures of the skull. XD I bet Shakespeare would approve. Your answers were great, and I enjoyed reading! P.S. Olaf is the best. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. My librarian recommended to me Typee by Herman Melville last year and I barely understood anything because of the language, and it ruined my experience. 😅 Shakespeare would definitely approve of my dream pet! 😊 Thank you so much! I’m glad you enjoyed our answers! And Olaf is hilarious! I love him! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I feel you with wanting to be British because of their accent. I also want to be British! And also Scottish! 😀 And oh my gosh! I totally want to jump into the world of Percy Jackson too! We could be demigods in training! Who’s your godly parent? Mine’s Poseidon! I’m Percy’s sister though I think I prefer being in the Roman so I guess that makes me Neptune’s daughter. Haha! And yes, the movie adapations are pretty frustrating. If only they could have a producer who actually read and appreciate the book just like the whole booknerd community, the movie adaptations would a whole lot better. And yeah, being an author is also a great feeling. Especially on giving your readers cliff hanger endings. 😀

    Great post! I love your answers, Cayli! And yours
    too Kester! I had fun reading it! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked our answers! I definitely do agree that movie adaptations of books aren’t well-written. I’ve actually talked with an author from the movie field about that! I also had a time when I wanted to be British because it was so cool- an especially the accent! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so welcome! And I do hope you will enjoy them! I’ll be looking out for your answers! 😊
      And I definitely agree on classics- it’s so hard to understand! I can’t even get through the first page of Pride and Prejudice without going “what is she saying?”

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