Liebster Award

Hi guys! We’ve been nominated for our third blog award, and this time, we were nominated by four amazing people: Becca from Book Review Becca, Krysti from YA and Wine, Rendz from Reading with Rendz, and Not-so-modern girl! The LILbooKlovers team would like to extend to each of them a huge thank you for their support, and I urge you to check out all their blogs. I love them all! Now, here are the rules and questions they gave us with our answers! liebster


1. Thank the person who nominated you and answer the 11 questions they’ve written for you.

2. Nominate 11 people and give them 11 different questions to answer.


Becca’s Questions (Answered by Kester)

1. If you could be best friends with any fictional character, who would it be and why?

Can I be friends with Thursday Next? If there was a book world, I would ask her to take me with her and introduce me to all of my favorite characters!

2. What is the first book or series that made you love reading?

In elementary school, it probably was the Magic Tree House or Hardy Boys series. I loved reading those! But then I didn’t like reading during middle school.

It wasn’t until last year as a freshman when I started to love reading again, so I would say that Wicked Appetite by Janet Evanovich was the book that first made me go “Reading is so cool and fun!”

3. If you could go to one fictional place for a single day, where would you go?

I would love to go to Hogwarts for a day, regardless of whether I can use magic or not! It’s so pretty, but I think that it would be better in person than in the movies!

4. What is your favorite TV series that is based on book or series?

Fresh Off the Boat! It’s my favorite TV show! It’s based off of the memoir with the same name by Eddie Huang, but I haven’t read it yet.

5. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

It would be my Bible! There’s so much in the Bible that can nourish me both mentally and spiritually! Fictional wise, I would choose… ooh this is tough… Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys. It’s so beautiful and so deep that I would uncover new details about the characters if I kept on re-reading it! Either that or The United Continuums by Jennifer Brody. The story will never get old! Oh, I can’t choose just one!

6. What made you decide to start blogging?

My friend Lilly (the LIL in LILbooKlovers) and I thought that book blogging looked really fun, so we just made our blog! Our hunches were true!

7. If you could interview any author, living or dead, who would you choose?

Ruta Sepetys. I just want to meet her and just talk to her personally. I would love an interview with her. So many people say she’s the nicest person you’ll ever meet, and her books are just so amazing!

8. If you could turn any book into a movie, who would you pick to direct it?

Hey Jennifer Brody! For the Continuum Trilogy, would you like George Lucas to direct it? Because the series is a sci-fi one, I think George Lucas will do the job right!

9. Who would be your dream cast for this movie?

I think Jennifer knows the dream cast better than me. And she’s turning into The 13th Continuum in a movie soon!

10. Would you name a pet after a fictional character?

Yes! I’ve been wanting to have a pet pig named Hamlet for a while! That would be my dream! And I would dress him up in Shakespearean clothes and take pictures with him and a skull.

11. Do you like to write outside of blogging?

I am honestly not a writer. I like to write reviews and blog posts and that’s just it. I usually don’t have the time. But my author friend  Erin Beaty (whose debut book The Traitor’s Kiss you should pre-order right now) told me I should write more, and maybe I’ll try it out in the future. I’m probably going to do short stories like one of my other author friends J. L. Pattison, who writes some of the best short stories, does. I think it’s better for me to make a little anthology than an entire book!


Krysti’s Questions (Answered by Kester)

1. What hero from a Dystopian novel do you think our world needs right now?

I think we need Myra, Aero, and Seeker from The Continuum Trilogy by Jennifer Brody. They are the perfect examples of how stronger we are together, yet weaker we are if we are divided.

2. What book have you read that has lifted you up and made you feel stronger?

Although it made me cry, I think Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys definitely strengthened. It changed my life and my viewpoint on the world!

3. Name one book that has made you better understand a different culture.

Detour by Devorah Fox. I learned quite a bit about the Jewish culture in it and enjoyed reading it!

4. What’s your favorite diverse book you read in 2016?

I feel so bad since I’ve only read like one or two diverse books last year and didn’t enjoy them, but I know I’m going to read some more in 2017!

5. What diverse book are you most looking forward to reading in 2017?

Redemption time! As of now, my favorite diverse read of 2017 is Soulmated by Shaila Patel. Laxhsmi, an Indian girl, and Liam, an Irish guy, meet together in this cute romance that I loved so much!

6. What book would you make required reading for everyone in the world if you could?

I think everyone needs to read Salt to the Sea. It’s so inspiring, beautiful, poetic, and elegant that there’s so much to learn from it! Writers can definitely learn from Ruta’s style, and readers can learn lessons from the characters’ narratives!

7. What book quote do you find most inspiring?

I can’t just pick one, so I got to list a few that I think are inspiring:

“We don’t deserve to be hurt by the ones we love.” – If You’re Gone, by Brittany Goodwin

“There is pain on Earth. But it’s worth it anyway.” – Eden’s Wish, by M. Tara Crowl

“The thing I realize is, that it’s not what you take, it’s what you give.” – All the Bright Places, by Jennifer Niven

“The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it’s the small things that count.” -All the Bright Places, by Jennifer Niven

“Fear isn’t the measure of our true worth. It isn’t even the measure of our abilities as a soldier. Fear is simply a normal emotional reaction to danger- and we are in grave danger now. We only become cowards if we give in to the fear and let it dictate our actions.” – The United Continuums, by Jennifer Brody

“United we are strongest.” – The United Continuums, by Jennifer Brody

” ‘I can survive on my own.’ His voice took a harsh turn. I didn’t like the hurt in his words. bo
‘I’m sure you can, Dov. But the point is you don’t have to.’ ” – Golden, by K. M. Robinson

8. If you could have any super power, which one would you choose?

To multitask. I can literally get so many things at once if I can multitask multiple things at once… did you know humans actually can’t?

9. Pick a genre: Contemporary, Fantasy, Dystopian, Mystery, or Science Fiction.

None of the above! Historical fiction is my genre! (I know you wanted me to pick out of the five, Krysti, but I’m sorry!) I love history and older cultures and time periods! It transports me to a time that has already existed, but totally different than today’s society!

10. What is your favorite book series of all time?

The Continuum Trilogy, hands down! If you want to know why, just read my reviews!

11. And because I just have to, if you could have a chat with any book character over a glass of wine, who would you choose?

Yes, Krysti!!! I love this question!!! So even though I’m underage by a little more than 4 years, if I could chat with a book character over wine for him and sparkling grape juice for me, it would be David from the Fire in the Woods Trilogy by Jennifer M. Eaton. I want to know more about the Erescopian culture! I think alien cultures are fascinating!


Rendz’s Questions (Answered by Cayli)

1. Name a place you wish to one day visit. (Real/fictional)

I would love to visit Narnia one day. That would be SOOOOO epic. Or maybe a loop from Miss Peregrine. Oh man, that would be AWESOME.

2. What is the best movie quote you know?

Oh no. I honestly have no idea. I don’t have any inspiring quotes from movies, but I will always treasure the Mortal Instruments movie when Alec was sure they were all going to die, and Jace’s actor said, “Have a little faith” even though it wasn’t scripted. It fit perfectly with Jace’s character, and I laughed so hard at the awkward looks he was given.

3. Do you ever buy books you never read? 

YES. 100% YES. I say I’m going to read them, but then I buy books that I plan on reading the moment I get them, so I never have time to read the ones that are not as important.

4. What is your favourite non-book related activity?

I was about to say writing, but I guess that’s book-related… I love art. Painting. Sketching. Crafting. I get a lot if my ideas off of Pinterest (Love it so much!)

5. Do you read a lot of non-fiction?

Not really. It depends on the book. I love non-fiction that is about WWII, mostly. It’s really interesting and heartbreaking to see the people go through that time period.

6. Do you take a book wherever you go?

Yes, I do. And I end up forgetting to read it because I’m having too much fun or I’m just too busy. But I do bring one just in case.

7. What is/was you favourite subject in school?

I would say English right now if I wasn’t stressing out about it right now. I love my pathway Digital Arts and Design. It’s very interesting and it allows me to make art over a computer; I’m not too accustommed to it, so it’s really fun

8. Cats or dogs?

Dogs all the way!!! (Love you, Alli <3)

9. What would be your super power?

Like the famous wizard Justin Russo once said… Read in the dark! That, or transportation. That’s be nice, too.

10. Which character would you go on a lunch date with?

OH BOOOOOYYYYYY. Who do I pick? It’s between Jacob Portman, Will Herondale, and Simon Lewis… Simon…??? I don’t know 😥

11. What is your favourite sweet?

Chocolate covered pretzels. LOVE THEM.


Not-so-modern girl’s Questions (Answered by Kelsey)

1. What three words best describe your reading habits? 

Contemporary. Relaxing.  Crying. 

2. On average, how many books do you read a month?


3. If you could visit any time in the past, where would you go and what would you do?

Renaissance. Go to a masquerade ball. 

4. Which character in a book has the same name as you?

Kelsey from The Thing about Truth by Lauren Barnholdt

5. What is your best reading memory?

Staying up until 2 o’clock in the morning crying my eyes out over a fictional character. 

6. Who is your favourite classical author (if you have one!)?

C. S. Lewis

7. If you could only have one type of weather forever, what would it be?

Slightly Cloudy. 

8. If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

Tank tops, jean shorts, and converse

9. If you could swap places with one character from a book, which character would it be and from which book?

Violet Markey from All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven

10. Have you ever borrowed a book and never given it back? Or has someone borrowed your book and not given it back?

No. I’m too paranoid that I would ruin the book. Or they would. 

11. Cats or dogs?

DOGS!!! 🐶🐶🐶


Our Nominees

Kourti from Kourtni Reads

Mandy from Book Princess Reads

Jannin from The Booknerd Dragon

Stephanie from Teacher of YA

Olga from Olga’s Oddish Obsessions

Melanie from Mel to the Any

Janelle from A Rogue Librarian

Megan from ::bookslayerReads::

Orang-utan Librarian from The Orangutan Librarian

Payton from Payton’s Book Thoughts

Tiana from The Book Raven


Our Questions to Our Nominees:

1. Have you ever read a book that made you cry? What was it?

2. What do you eat or drink while you read or write?

3. If you were in charge of making a soundtrack for a movie adaptation of a book, what songs would you choose, and which book would it be?

4. What is one thing about book blogging you love and one think you wish could be improved?

5. What book is your most anticipated book that is releasing or has been released in 2017?

6. Out of all the books in your collection, which one do you prize the most?

7. Who is an author that lives in your state (or country if outside the US) that you love his or her books or are looking forward to reading?

8. If you could travel back in time to meet any author and ask that person one question, who would it be and what would you ask?

9. Who are some bloggers that you’d like to meet in person?

10. Do you have a favorite musical? What is it, and what are some of your favorite songs?

11. If you could live in any book world for a year, which book would you transport yourself to?
If you were nominated, you don’t have to do this award, but I would love to see you do it! Please tag me when you’ve posted yours! If you’ve already been tagged, you don’t have to do this, but it’s a little token of me saying “I like your blog!”

Thanks for reading! Have a great week!


+ J.M.J.

Happy Reading! ~ Kester



35 thoughts on “Liebster Award

  1. Thank you so very much for the nomination!! ❤ I can't wait to answer your questions, because your post was so much fun to read!! The Magic Tree House series was absolutely so much fun as a kid. I always got so excited to discover more history with those two. You've also officially sold me on Salt to the Sea. I have kept debating about when and if to read it, but I super need to now!! And I can't wait for Soulmated either! It sounds so good. Fantastic post, and it was so much fun. Thanks so much again (still making it over to Twitter to check out the team – I'm so backed up on looking at everyone's blogs – I haven't forgotten!!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so welcome! I love learning about history so that’s why historical fiction is my fave! And I’m so glad I sold you on STTS! You have to read it! It’s so amazing I can go on about it! And Soulmated is so great too! It will be much fun with you in the Street Team! I love it! (And you can earn feathers to get book-related prizes!) 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m very grateful and excited to answer your questions. Kester, your ambition to go to Hogwarts is amazing. If you get a wad of cash one day, go to the airport and demand a flight there. Don’t take no for an answer. Your choice for best book quotes is also fantastic! Cayli, didn’t Jace and Alec have one of the best BROMANCES ever?! You love dogs and know Justin Russo… BLESS YOUR SOUL. Simon Lewis. You have to pick him. It’s a no brainer. Kelsey, masquerade balls are something I wish upon every shooting star to attend. Seeing it in movies somehow blows my mind because of the dresses and masks. I also wouldn’t trust a soul with my books so I’m glad to hear your the same! Great answers all of you and thanks again for the nomination.☺️✨

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! You are so welcome! I love reading this comment! I’m smiling so much right now! And yes! I would love to see Hogwarts- the castle looks so amazing! I think there’s an actual LARP one somewhere else in Europe where you’re a wizard for a week! And I’m glad you loved my quotes! I picked out some of the prettiest ones I’ve bookmarked and written down! Hope you enjoy the questions! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No problem! Aw that’s awesome and I’m happy I could! I feel the same way when they offer me free food samples at the food court. There is?! That’s it. That has to be where my mandatory graduation party is held! I gotta stop spending money on H.P socks and save. My goal is to go there now and cast spells every which direction even if they give me a twig as a wand. Those quotes deserved their own post cause that’s how crazy great they were! I totally will!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Do not dare worry. I’ll be tagging you in each post and make sure my twig has a smiley face taped on it! That would make everyone’s jaw drop ALL the way down to the equator. Orange chicken and white rice make me imagine like I’m already in heaven. I can not get enough of them and even a mob can’t stop me from getting to that delicious once in a lifetime edible gold!!

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Whoops, wasn’t paying attention to who had actually answered the questions, haha. My bad!
        Out of the Easy is fantastic! I honestly wasn’t expecting it to like it as much as her other two books just because I love WWII historical fiction so much, but I think it might actually be my favorite one of her books. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. WWII is 100% my favorite time period for historical fiction too, haha. So I was really surprised with how much I liked Out of the Easy. Hope you enjoy it whenever you decide to read it!

        Liked by 1 person

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