Black Cat Blue Sea Award

Hi guys! Happy Sunday! Although I am so behind on awards and tags and haven’t yet updated our sidebar with our newest awards, I was able to do our tags for the Black Cat Blue Sea Award! We were nominated by Jannin from The Booknerd Dragon and Rendz from Reading with Rendz, two of the closest bloggers I have interacted with! They have amazing blogs, and I urge you to check them out! Thank you so much for nominating us!



“This award is for bloggers who strive to write for everybody, and no matter how many viewers they get, make an impact on a reader. This award is an expression of gratitude to the nominee. It should be awarded to anybody that you choose deserves it, and it doesn’t mean that they must have hundreds of followers and likes.”



  1. Anybody nominated can nominate eight other bloggers.
  2. The nominee answers three questions posed by the nominator.
  3. The questions you ask while nominating can be any three questions.
  4. If any of the questions asked are offensive or the nominee simply does not want to answer, the nominee does not have to answer them to earn the award


Jannin’s Questions

1. What is your biggest fear?

Nope… Gonna keep this to myself! But one of my biggest fears is falling from heights. I’m not afraid of being high up, just whenever the chance of falling is great, like on a roller coaster where I get that weird feeling of my stomach shifting in my body. Ugh!

2. What is your favorite day of the week and why?

Sunday! It’s the day I can relax,  read, blog, and catch up on things. I love Sundays since it’s both the Lord’s Day and a day of worship and rest! I usually don’t have to worry about too many things on a Sunday. It’s great! I just pace myself that I don’t even try to stress myself!

3. Least favorite over-hyped book.

Fifty Shades of Gray. I don’t know why anyone would want to read it! Why? I haven’t read it and don’t ever want to! Just please no.


Rendz’s Questions

1. What is a book that brings up a good memory?

The Continuum Trilogy by Jennifer Brody. I remember those days when I couldn’t put it down! I could see the action, adventure, suspense, thrill, romance, and plot twists all unfold before my eyes! That’s why it’s my favorite series!

2. Do you have a person with whom you can fangirl/boy with at anytime of the day?

No because I’m one of the only big readers who actually like to talk about books with other people (I’m an ESFJ!). But sometimes I just geek out over books with a lot of my author and blogger friends like Shaila Patel (author of Soulmated which you should read), Stephanie from TeacherofYA, and Krysti from YA and Wine. There’s free promotion right there!

3. You can wish yourself into any fictional world you want, but you must leave behind this life (family, friends and books!) Would you do it and if so, where would you go?

Nope! I’d rather read about them than leave all my friends and family. I don’t want there to be no more blogging, La La La soundtracks, and violin, so I’d stay here.


Our Nominees

Stephanie from Teacher of YA

Krysti from YA and Wine

Mandy from Book Princess Reviews

Payton from Payton’s Book Thoughts

Kim from By Hook or By Book

Megan from ::bookslayerReads::

The Orang-utan Librarian

Olga from Olga’s Oddish Obsession


Our Questions

1. What is your favorite album or soundtrack you like to listen to and why?

2. Which book have you been wanting to get signed for such a long time?

3. Would you rather read only physical books but get a paper cut every 15 minutes or e-books but your device shuts down for 1 minute every 5 minutes?


If you were nominated, you are not required to do the tag! If you do, please tag us! I’d love to see your answers!


+ J.M.J.

Happy Reading!

~ Kester






33 thoughts on “Black Cat Blue Sea Award

  1. Awwww, thank you so much for tagging me and including me in squad of people who you can fangirl/boy with anytime. It’s so true! So glad we’re friends! Also I need to check out The Continuum Trilogy! I haven’t heard of it before.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re so welcome!!! I know I could text you and just start talking about books for a while! I am so glad we’re blogger buddies too! 🙂
      The Continuum Trilogy is so amazing! Jennifer Brody and I are friends, and she’s so amazing!!! I literally couldn’t put it down! I really recommend you to read it!

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  2. WordPress eat my words, Kester! I had some interesting comments, fangirling moments, and overall thanks. But I went to go eat some nachos, and now they’re gone. Nachos = -_- ANYWAY. I’mma sum up: lovely post, and thanks so much for the nomination. Also super agree about 50.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much for the nomination! I love Sunday’s too. 😊 I haven’t read Fifty Shades of Grey yet, but I’ve been told by many not to. Lol! I love the questions for your nominees. Especially the third one!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. HOLY NACHO=(NOT YA) CHEESE. <- Did you get the pun or was it really THAT bad? OKAYyyy let me stop embarrassing myself before I try to jump off a roof with a blanket for a parachute. Thank you so very much for the nomination! Your not the only pickle afraid of heights. I rather eat veggies for a month then go to Six Flags and that is downright sinful. Sunday would be peace day but I'm a last minute person when it comes to homework so… hehe. Raise my hand up high in the sky to agree with you on Fifty Shades of Grey. I didn't understand why people we're going crazy because most peeps I know were going just for the movie and never read the book. Hey, not talking about books for the longest time is a crime! That not switching lives things is definitely true. Why would you want to witness the death of those you love and get smacked around in battle when you can lay down on your couch, eat some fro-yo, and read. Thanks again for the nomination and hopefully I'll get to answer your questions really soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy them! And yesss!!! I’m not a roller coaster rides person! I just don’t like that shifting organs feeling in your stomach! It’s great to find someone who agrees with me on a lotta things! 😉 And I just can’t stand 50…. Just why?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Very true. The only ride I can deal with is that caterpillar or dragon ride meant for toddlers and elders who want to live life to the fullest. 50 is about a boy and a girl who had first a secret friends with benefits thing going on than wanted a real relationship. We all have seen that before so I was perplexed on the addiction.

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      2. Oh gosh. Now I’m gonna think it contains every type of disease inside when I see it and run backwards. *crashes into bookshelves causing a domino effect*

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  5. Thanks for that shoutout, Kester! 😀 Nice answers! And I just wanna ask what church are you attending? I mean, are you Catholic? And really you hate Fifty Shades? 😦 It’s one of my favorite books though. Not because it has the thing, you know, but because it’s dark and deep and there’s a lot of things going on aside from that thing. (So many things. XD) 😀 Well, there’s a whole lot of other books we could fangirl/boy together! 😀 Great post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Well, I’m a Catholic too! 😀 I think you’re the first Catholic I meet in this book blogging community. 😀 And well some people like those kind of stories. 🙂

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